How does booked out seasons with your Ideal Client sound?

Defining my Ideal Client and building every facet of my business and marketing strategy around them changed the trajectory of my wedding business for the better.

With a better understanding of who I wanted to work with, it made decisions big and small so much simpler.

Finally, I had a plan!

Instead of throwing things at the wall to see what would stick, I was focusing my website, and all my social media content, with this particular couple in mind. And they were loving it!

Instead of trying to attract everyone, I had narrowed my niche and started booking out my seasons with weddings I couldn't wait to add to my portfolio.

Hey there, I'm Krista.

Award-Winning Event Planner. Wedding Business Coach & Marketing Strategist. Real-talker. Self-proclaimed "indoor cat". And mama to two turkey butts.

I built a successful wedding business while living my best #sweatpantslife and wrangling two toddlers, and now I'm here to help creative wedding pros like you do the same.

I've been a full-time wedding planner since 2012. in other words: I've been where you are, and I know that some workdays are prettier than others...

I've survived zero-inquiry months, cried on my way to a wedding because I was missing another weekend with my kiddos, and smacked down big bucks on one-size-fits-all courses that I never finished or struggled to implement on my own.

I've also learned that scroll-a-thons, comparing and despairing over your competitors and trying to figure this all out on your own isn't going to get your where you want to go. This is where I come to the rescue, wearing my messy bun and snot-stained sweater. (Sorry, where you expecting a cape?)

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 1 - Who Is Your Ideal Client?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 2 - What Are They Like?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 3 - What Is Their Wedding Like?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 4 - How To Reach Your Ideal Client
Available in days
days after you enroll

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